Japan is home to some of the most diverse fashion in the world. Everything from prep to goth can be seen in most parts of the country. Many of the teens and twenty-somethings dress in a more modern form of fashion but still incorporate many aspects of their culture in their dress. Walking down the street in Tokyo you can see everything from Kimonos to tutu's. Some of these styles are Gothic Lolita, Ganguro, Gyaru, and Kogal, with sometimes portraying anime or manga. So here are some of the various street styles. Note their uniquness.
The first four pictures are of Gothic Lolita. Some could say it's the type of fashion you may seen in J-horror films. Some also may say I am a tad morbid, but this is by far my favorite fashion style seen in Japan.

The Ganguro fashion (as seen with the girl with the yellow top) has been around since the early 90's. Most common among teen girls and 20-somethings, this fashion is a very unique one. It's achieved by a deep tan combined with dyed hair in shades of orange and blonde or a silver gray. Black ink is used as an eyeliner mixed with whit concealer for the lipstick and eyeshadow. False eyelashes, facial gems, and pearl powder is often used to intensify the look. Bight outfits and high platform shoes are used to complete this look along with tons of accessories and miniskirts or tie-dyed sarongs.

The pink dresses represent a portion of the Gyaru style. Gyaru means "gal" so it is fitting to this fashion. This style typically is for girls looking younger. Tanned or untanned doesn't necessarily matter with this style. It however is usually achieved along with lighter hair. It's a very feminine style and really cute.

This is one of the Yambanga styles. It's more of a really tanned gal meets the tropics. As with many of the street styles, the girls are either tanned or not, but this being more a tropical look, the girls are usually tanned. Along with bleached or dyed hair, accessories such as flowers and jewelery is worn.

Kogals are known for their miniskirts, platforms, hair coloring (blonde or brown), deep suntans, designer accessories, and the large amounts of makeup they wear. They usually wear skirts pinned up high and loose socks that go to the knee. They are considered to be like a sun-tanned California Valley Girl. As with valley girls, the Kogal girls are generally from wealthier backgrounds.
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