July 1, 2008

SkullCandy Double Agent SD Headphones

Headphone specialist Skull's latest brainchild, Agents're a set of street-styled 'phones that require no separate MP3 player, thanks to an SD memory card built into one of the earpieces -- so you can lose those vexing wires, and get to looking even more like Lando Calrissian's right-hand cyborg. To load them up, pop in the SD and connect the 'phones to your computer with the included USB cable, then just drag-and-drop tunes until you've crammed on more Velvet Revolver than Scott Weiland even realized he'd recorded. Play, pause, track-skip, and rewind/ffwd controls sit on the right earpiece, making it a snap to navigate your tunes, though passersby might struggle deciphering whether you're signaling for a squeeze or hit-and-run.

You can swap in larger/different SD cards full o' different mixes, and if you want to use them with a standard MP3 rig, the Agents come with a cord that plugs into one of the earpieces and leads to a traditional jack -- because much like the Beatles were meant to be listened to on vinyl , "Fall Out Boy belongs on a Zune".

Source: Thrillist

Lose the wires and pick up the Double Agents at Studica.com